Spring Lifestyle Lolita Tips

I am unfortunately under a foot of snow in March and wanted to feel some spring! Enjoy some lifestyle tips!

🪻Use a ribbon for a bookmark, if you sew there’s likely one around and it looks really pretty in between the pages

🪻Read household management books from historical periods of your interest It can get you inspired for your own spring cleaning.

🪻Do a closet clean out!

🪻Do a style inventory, is your style still the same? Are there new things you’d like to try? For example I’ve recently found myself more drawn to a gothic style, use that inventory to help guide your closet clean.

🪻Revive an old hobby, is there something you used to do that you miss? Look into doing it again to help celebrate the spring

🪻If you’re part of a comm, plan a meet around flowers

🪻Learn a new hairstyle braiding thread or ribbon into your hair

🪻Redecorate your home/room according to a theme or style that you’re interested in at the moment

🪻Find new music to listen to that helps lift your mood on days where winter keeps outstaying it’s welcome.

🪻Make sure to get some sunlight each day.

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